The Internet has brought a plethora of possibility, including helping students and teachers conduct original homework research. For students, research is literally at a person’s fingertips and long days at the library are no longer a necessity. For teachers, conducting research to find out if homework is original has become easier, cutting down on plagiarism and providing more accountability. Depending on which perspective viewing this from, there are particular ways to go about doing original homework research.
For the Student
If you are a student who is trying to do original homework research, the first thing that you need to do is gain a basic understanding of the content area at 123 Homework. There are many websites online that will give you solid definitions, and will also cite further resources for you to examine. Not only do you want to type your subject area in a search engine box, you will want to explore associated topics once you have a better understanding of what the content encompasses. Internet websites are literally a web of information, which will help lead you into original homework research if you look in the right places
For the Teacher
Seeing whether or not the homework that a student has done is original has always been a task for teachers who are trying to catch a student who is cheating just to get a passing grade. Before the Internet, it was much more difficult. However, now there are many tools available for teachers that will allow them to scan or copy text into a searching site that will produce results on how close it is to other content on the Internet. This is definitely a benefit for a teacher, and can be a useful tool for a student to ensure that original work is not being cited too closely to the original source, which would be considered plagiarism. Conducting original homework research has become much easier, and these tools are generally free to the users.
Depending on whether you are a student or a teacher will determine your reasoning for wanting to know how to conduct original homework research. The Internet has made this much easier for both entities, and helps protect the intellectual rights and development of all individuals. It was once said that no idea is truly original, because most of the time you can type a thought into a search engine and something will come up. With the world at your fingertips, conducting original homework research has become more difficult for those doing the work and easier for those that are checking it.